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Chapter 53 Quizzes: Self Activities Chapter Cum.
Unit 8: Ecology Community Ecology Review
  1. A is a collection of of various species that can interact.
  2. Competition may result in character where certain characteristics exhibit more divergence between populations of two species than between populations of the same two species.
  3. Predation occurs when one species, the , kills and eats the other, the . Predator adaptations include , , fangs, , and .
  4. Prey adaptations include coloration, coloration, coloration, Batesian or Müllerian , and chemical defenses such as .
  5. Parasitism is a relationship where one organism, the , benefits by harming another organism, its .
  6. interactions, or symbiosis, benefit both species. benefits one species while the other is not affected.
  7. species are the most abundant, or have the highest , in a community. The diversity of some communities is dependent on one species.
  8. Some organisms act as species by causing physical changes in the environment and can act as of biodiversity in the community.
  9. Natural communities experience periodic such as storms, fires, , and . Species in the community are to such disturbances, and often such disturbances are a necessity to maintain its biodiversity.
  10. After a disturbance, the community may change in a process called ecological .
  11. The number of species in many communities follows a curve. Island predicts the species richness of isolated ecosystems based on island , distance from the mainland, and and rates.

 Animations   Movies   Words  Appendix  Summary  Art  Art 
Chapter 55 Quizzes: Self Activities Chapter Cum.
Unit 8: Ecology Conservation Biology and Restoration Ecology Review
  1. Human activities are destroying and degrading natural ecosystems, resulting in the loss of and the of species.
  2. Most species loss can be traced to four major threats:
  3. Conserving endangered and threatened species:
    • Small-population approach: a small population is prone to -feedback loops that draw the population down an vortex.
    • Declining-population approach: study populations that show a trend, and take proactive strategies to halt the decline.
  4. Landscape ecology and ecosystem management:
    • Boundaries between natural ecosystems are called and are zones of rich biodiversity, but artificial edges often and deteriorate ecosystems.
    • Establishing areas, especially in spots of biodiversity.
    • Large, pristine nature are rare; reserves are an alternative in heavily populated areas.
    • ecology attempts to restore degraded ecosystems to a more natural state.
    • development seeks to improve living standards while conserving biodiversity. Ultimately, the drive for conservation may be based on .
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