1:30 |
Mudskipper walks in mangrove swamp |
2:30 |
Coelacanth fossil |
4:20 | Modern
Coelacanth has
lobe fin (Comoro Islands) |
6:30 |
Lungfish in cocoon survives dry season. |
9:00 |
Lungfish has blood-lined pouch to absorb oxygen |
10:00 |
Eustenopteron has bony fin |
11:30 | Ancient
Horsetail fossilized into coal |
12:30 |
Amphibian fossil in coal seam |
13:45 |
Japanese Giant Salamander |
14:10 |
Newt |
16:30 |
Newt tadpole |
16:50 |
Axolotl retains its gills (Mexico) |
19:25 |
Caecilian has no limbs (Southeast Asia) |
21:00 |
Goliath Frog (West Africa) |
22:35 |
Flying Frog ? (Costa Rica) |
24:20 |
Holy Cross Toad burrows in sand (Australia) |
25:20 |
Grass Snake ? tries to attack
European Toad |
26:00 |
Fire-bellied Toad shows its stomach to predators as warning |
27:40 |
Golden Poison Dart Frogs |
28:10 |
Waxy Monkey Frog ? waxes itself Argentina |
30:00 |
Toad blinks to help swallow prey |
30:30 |
Toad tongue |
31:45 |
Edible Frog call during the day |
35:30 |
Golden Toads mating (Costa Rica) |
36:00 |
European Toads mating frenzy in pond |
38:25 |
Kaieteur Golden Frog hides in minute pool in a leaf (Kaieteur Falls, Potaro River, Guyana) |
40:20 |
African Foam-nest Tree Frog ? lays eggs in foam (Africa) |
42:30 |
Whistling Frog lays eggs on ground (Caribbean) |
44:15 |
Midwife Toad male carries eggs on its legs (Europe) |
44:35 |
Surinam Toad male places eggs on female's back |
47:00 |
South American Marsupial Frog keeps eggs in pouch (Brazil) |
47:45 | Chile:
Darwin's Frog males keep eggs in vocal sac |
49:00 |
Darwin's Frog birthing |
49:45 |
African Viviparous Toad ? female gives birth after carrying eggs in oviduct (West Africa) |
51:00 |
Australia Desert Frog ? eating membrane of cocoon (Australia) |
| |