Use above site as a guide to research selected organisms and their adaptations to different biomes.
Select at least 3 organisms in these 8 biomes and write brief descriptions of their adaptations to the biome.
Suggested organisms are starred* below.
- Tundra
- Arctic fox*
- Bearberry*
- Caribou*
- Labrador tea
- Lichen
- Snowy owl
- Desert
- Mojave yucca*
- Kangaroo rat*
- Fennec fox*
- Saguaro cactus
- Camel
- Saxaul tree
- Coniferous Forest
- Moose
- Larch*
- Black spruce*
- Beaver*
- Snowshoe hare
- Feather moss
- Tropical Forest
- Sloth*
- Bromeliad*
- Bamboo*
- Poison dart frog
- Clouded leopard
- Pitcher plant
- Deciduous Forest
- White-tailed deer
- Raccoon
- Mayapple*
- Hickory*
- Cardinal*
- Jewelweed
- Temperate Grasslands
- Prairie dog
- Blazing star
- Pale purple coneflower*
- Bison
- Black-footed ferret*
- Big bluestem*
- Savanna
- Termites
- Aardvark*
- Ostrich
- Acacia*
- Baobab*
- Elephant
- Chaparral
- Roadrunner*
- Olive*
- Coyote
- Bigberry manzanita
- Chamise*
- Coast horned lizard