Library Research: Endangered Species

Endangered Species Act.
  1. What is it, when was it passed?

  2. How do species get on the list?

  3. How do species get off the list?

  4. What is the difference between endangered and threatened?

  5. Name 2 species (scientific and common names) on the federally endangered list for:

    • Plants

    • Fishes

    • Amphibians

    • Reptiles

    • Birds

    • Mammals

    • Invertebrates

  6. Name 2 species (scientific and common names) on the Illinois endangered list for:

    • Plants

    • Fishes

    • Amphibians

    • Reptiles

    • Birds

    • Mammals

    • Invertebrates

  7. Name an endangered species in the Russell R. Kirt Prairie, and make a brief sketch.

  8. What is the status of the Bald Eagle? What are some issues being debated about its status?

  9. Research one other endangered American species.
    • Habitat

    • Reason for endangerment

    • Protective measures

    • Any other interesting facts

    • Reference (APA or MLA style):

  10. What is the international organization involved in the protection of international trade in wild plants and animals?

    • When was it established, where is its headquarters, how many countries are members?

    • What are some species controlled by this agency?

    • Read the article "Legal ivory did not help black market." New Scientist 180.2418 (2003): 11-11. What was the cost of raw ivory in Africa in 2002?